Smoke Generators for RC Model Boats
Order Products
Product Price
SGU : Smoke Generator Unit £ 126.00
MiniSU : Mini-Smoke Unit £80.00
MultiSU : Multi-Smoke Unit Depends on specification*
To place your order :
Please send an email with the following details to :
Product name and quantity required
Delivery address (including Country)
We shall reply with shipping cost, total cost and estimated delivery time together with our payment details. We’ll send your product on receipt of your payment.
*To receive a quote for a Multi-Smoke Unit :
Please send an email with the following details to :
Model and scale (if known)
Number of funnels
Distance (in mm) between funnel centres (at their base)
Delivery address (including Country)
We shall reply with unit and shipping cost and estimated delivery time together with our payment details. We’ll build and send your product on receipt of your payment.